ReNüTeq is the only USA based international bamboo material technology company that has established all of its Guadua bamboo sourcing from the Western Hemisphere.
Importing bamboo from Asia is extremely inefficient for projects in the USA and Europe, and adds to greenhouse gas emissions through massive transportation distance. Likewise importing steel from Asia, and shipping timber from opposite sides of the country is wasteful and is not conducive to sustainable business practices.
"For logistics reasons alone, companies that claim to be sustainable while importing their primary raw materials from the other side of the world for their local market sector is clearly misinformation and disqualifies them from claiming to be sustainable." Quote by Luke Schuette - Founder and CEO of ReNüTeq.
"Our Sustainability Practice is our Transparency Policy"
Bamboo Sequesters 10x Carbon vs Trees:
Guadua Bamboo from Latin America (Central and South America) has a unique geometric growth curve that makes it 10x faster than tree-based CO2 drawdown. Intensively harvested, our bamboo can sequester up to 1.76 tones CO2/clump/year, or up to 362 tones/hectare/year in an optimally managed farm. SEB (Structural Engineered Bamboo): Estimated Carbon Sequestration: 1,316 kg/m3 = of CO2(LCA)
Bamboo Produces 37% More Oxygen:
Guadua Bamboo not only sequesters carbon, but it also produces oxygen as it grows. Guadua bamboo produces up to 37% more oxygen than trees! During the industrial revolution and even today massive quantities of natural tree growth has been removed around the world. Timber construction is considered sustainable when compared to concrete and steel, but it is no where near the sustainability case for bamboo especially when accounting for the already depleted natural forests.
Bamboo is a Rapidly Renewable Resource:
The Guadua Bamboo integrated into ReNüTeq SEB products is documented as a Rapidly Renewable Resource. Harvest for ReNüTeq SEB begins at 6-8 years and continues every year after through the life of the bamboo plant. This continuous harvest produces 14 Tons of useable bamboo fiber/Acre/Year. The fiber yield of mature bamboo is 6 times the usable biomass of timber forests over a 25-30 year timeline (The typical growing period for soft wood trees used in structural products) such as: Spruce, Southern Yellow Pine, and Douglas Fir.
Bamboo Stabilizes and Nourishes the Soil:
Guadua bamboo's root system stays in tact throughout growth and harvest. When timber is harvested the root system dies and causes drastic soil instability, and the consequence is top soil erosion. Extreme cases of this have occurred all over the world in places such as India, Asia, and Central/South America. When old growth and timber farms are removed the quality top soil is lost and regrowth of any form of vegetation is limited. "Save the Soil to Save the Environment. Soil degradation is the most pressing ecological challenge of our time. Agriculture can only thrive on rich soil – there is simply no other way. Regeneration of Soil is Invigoration of Life." States Sahdguru founder of Conscious Planet - India.
Total Embodied Energy:
Aluminum/Steel ~ 200–220 Mj/kg
Vinyl/PVC/Plastics ~ 65-75 Mj/kg
Fiberglass ~ 40-50 Mj/kg
Engineered Wood ~ 22-31 Mj/kg
Wood ~ 0.3-24 Mj/kg
Western Hemisphere Sourcing and Manufacturing:
ReNüTeq has implemented patented technology that focuses on optimizing the highest performance fiber of the culm utilizing the highest performance species of bamboo in the world resulting in the most efficient use of the raw material and less waste: ReNüTeq's Structural Engineered Bamboo Products are Manufactured in the United States of America, and Fabricated + Kitted in the USA & Europe. +Learn more about our Operations.
Guadua Bamboo sourced from Latin America is the largest and fastest growing, and is over 2 times stronger than any other (Asian) bamboo species such as (MOSO) making ReNüTeq's SEB (Structural Engineered Bamboo) products the strongest natural resource for the building industry. The specifically selected bamboo culm is then processed in ReNüTeq's processing facilities located in Colombia (South America): Age Selection, Harvest, Drying, Proprietary Processing, Exterior Treatments.
Guadua Bamboo is the Prominent Natural Species in the Western Hemisphere:

EA Credit 1 | Optimize Energy Performance
MR Credit 6 | Rapidly Renewable Resources
MR Credit 7 | Certified Woods
EQ Credit 4.1 | Low-Emitting Adhesives and Sealants
EQ Credit 4.1 | Low-Emitting Materials
ID Credit 1 | Environmental Performance, Innovation in Design
ID Credit 2 | Life Cycle Assessment, Innovation in Design